what defensive measure did the romans use to protect rome in the period of decline after

The Roman Empire: Augustus and the Principate Period


Officially, later the battle of Actium in 31 BC, Octavius (Augustus from here on) was the sole ruler of Rome. He was never referred to as "king", still; the Romans were not addicted of this word. Yet, no republican form of authorities could proceed the Roman state in line. They resorted back to monarchy mainly considering this was the merely true way for Rome to be ruled.

Augustus was the commencement of the time called the Principate period, which is characterized as a time where rulers of the new monarchy tried their best to preserve aspects of the Roman Republic. Augustus was a perfect case of this. He did his best to keep all conservative forms of government and continue nigh political shapes in tact. Augustus'south sole purpose was to wipe out the hatred and confusion that was acquired by the civil state of war. He proved that he was a strong political leader throughout his gaining of ability, and his rule proved likewise that he was a very successful statesman. The Roman senate were the ones who actually gave Octavius the title of Augustus, for Augustus wanting to restore power back to the Roman senate in his new reforms.



Obviously enough, existence the kickoff emperor of a very new blazon of monarchy for Rome, Augustus took on several new titles that provided him with the ability that he held. Only to proper name a couple, he was bestowed proconsular power (imperium proconsulare), he retained the title ofImperator(which allowed him to stayin control of the roman army), and he was madepontifex maximus("chief priest"). Of all the titles he had received, he was fond of being referred every bit by one in particular:Princeps Civitates, which means "get-go citizen of the country".

Augustus made many important reforms in the kickoff of his rule, having to do with both nobile causes and pop causes. He brought dorsum a strong sense of dignity and nobility from existence on the senate by decreasing the amount of people on the senate, as well every bit taking abroad some provincial powers. Augustus did not deem the populus responsible for making major political decisions, and took abroad a lot of power from the assemblies of the people (they were now mainly only kept to vote for new magistrates). He did non change much about thecursus honorum(which, once more, is the procedure of moving up the ranks of the Roman magistracies) and he saw the current republic magistrates as a special, executive position. Augustus also decreased the Roman army from l legions to only twenty and spread them throughout the provinces and then the Roman regular army was less of a burden on the people of Rome. Finally, he introduced the "praetorian baby-sit", a organization of protection used for inside of Italia.

As stated above, Augustus' goal during his reign was to attempt to make Rome as systematic, organized, and peaceful every bit he could. He separated the Roman city into 14 wards or districts, and put in place special "police force" forces to enforce law and order throughout the city. He hoped that the introduction of these police forces to Roman society volition decrease the extreme violence that had been seen in recent previous years of Roman history. The entirety of Italy was and so split up into eleven regions (administrative districts), acurator viarurn ("superintendent of highways") was installed to keep the large organization of roads in adept condition, and a post system was introduced; all of these steps clearly showed Augustus' desire for the Roman people to live a make clean, systematic life.

Each of the seperate "police" forces that were installed were controlled past a specific main; for example, the praefectus vigilum was the chief in charge of the fire and detective department.

Augustus did a lot of work in reorganizing not just the system of Rome's provinces but the money period of the provinces as well. The provinces were now divided into two separate groups. Thesenatorial provinces were those who remained in command of the senate, while theimperial provinces were now nether control of the emperor. Under either a senate with new power, or under an emperor with skillful morals, information technology was seen that the provinces of Rome increased in both prosperity and wealth apace. The revenues earned from the senatorial provinces were put directly into the treasury of the senate, while the inflow of coin from imperial provinces went to thefiscus(treasury of the emperor). Augustus could be seen as ane of the most economically smart rulers anywhere near his fourth dimension. With the help of a very systematic approach to a new monarchy and a sharp mind, Augustus was able to successfully create a very strong and powerful Rome.



Source: https://sites.psu.edu/cams101tiberius/augustus-and-the-principate-period/

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